Katsetasin täna esimest korda sojahakkliha. Varasemad kogemused sojaga pole väga meeldivad olnud. Olen proovinud soja piima, soja jogurtit, tofut... ükski neist pole väga meelt mööda olnud. Ainuke, mis mulle väga maitseb, on sojakaste. Sellest hoolimata otsustasin sojale uue võimaluse anda. Ostsin sojahakkliha ning täna tegin esimese katsetuse.
Pean tunnistama, et täiesti maitsev oli! :) Meenutas natuke kanahakkliha, aga sojahakkliha oli hoopis pehmem ja kõhule mõnusam.
Hapukapsahautis sojahakklihaga / kahele
250g hapukapsast
1 purk kikerherneid
1 sibul
125ml sojahakkliha
1spl oliivõli
Keeda sojahakkliha vastavalt juhendile.
Kuumuta potis õli ning lisa hakitud sibul. Kuumuta kuni sibul hakkab klaasistuma. Lisa hapukapsas ning prae paar minutit.
Kalla peale umbes pool klaasi vett, hauta 15 minutit.
Lõpuks lisa keedetud sojahakkliha ning kikerherned.
Sega segamini ning hauta veel 5 minutit.
For the first time i tried to cook with soya mince. My experiences with soya haven't been very pleasant. I've tasted soya milk, soya joghurt, tofu... none of them hasn't really tasted good for me. Except soya souce :) But i decided to give soya a new chance. I bought soya mince and made my fist test today.
I have to admit, it was really tasteful! :) It reminded a bit chicken mince, but much more tender and nicer to my tummy.
Sauerkraut stew with soya mince and chickpeas / two serves
250g sauerkraut
125ml soya mince
1tbs olive oil
1 onion
1 can chickpeas
Prepare soya mince according to package instructions and set aside.
Heat olive oil in a deep pot.
Add onion and heat till tender.
Add sauerkraut and heat more few minutes.
Add about 125ml water and heat in a low heat about 15 minutes.
Add soya mince and chickpeas, mix and heat more 5 minutes.
19 oktoober, 2009
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1 kommentaar:
thanks for visiting my blog!
I love your blog theme and I used to eat only veggies... I think I need to back to this and maybe I try some of your recepies...
take care
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